The patient association Aortic Dissection Association Scandinavia – is a non-profit patient organization with members in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
The association was founded as the world’s first patient association for Aortic Dissection in the autumn of 2014 by 17 survivors living with the disease. Members have the disease Aortic Dissection, or Aortic aneurysms or dissections of the main arteries connected to the aorta. The association also has membership for family members and friends and/or perhaps someone who has experienced that a friend or family member passed away in the disease and now either wants to support or find support in our association.
Membership fee
The membership fee per year is currently 200 SEK.
Only members residing in Scandinavia will be accepted.
If you are a resident in Norway or Denmark, please send an email to info@aortadissektion.com containing:
- Name
- Address
- Mobilenumber
We will reply to you with information on how to pay the membership fee.
When we have received your payment, we will grant you access to our closed Facebook group where we currently have our main activity.